Friday, April 15, 2016

Metzora-The Right Path

Having the carpet pulled out from under oneself is very disconcerting. One's feet are steadily planted on the ground. One habituates to a sense of stability. Suddenly, those sensations vanish. 

Figuratively, this may happen to us on a daily basis. When we don't judge a situation favorably performing due diligence regarding proper investigation we may concoct a fictitious occurrence in our minds. This occurrence with the surety of the fallacious facts is like the carpet under our feet. Surfacing of real facts will shatter what we thought to be true. This is like the carpet has been pulled from under our feet. 

Yes, Malcolm Gladwell writes in Blink that first impressions are usually correct. But, the Torah instructs us otherwise. "With justice you shall judge your friend." (Vayikra 19:15) Ian Pears weaves an intriguing tale in An Instance of a Fingerpost where a murder mystery is told from the perspectives of four individuals. The reader discovers the true murderer only when the last person tells his tale. There are many such stories. See Rabbi Hanoch Teller's Courtrooms of the Mind for numerous examples of entrapment in such folly.  

Not having our facts straight may have much more dire consequences. In this week's Parsha we have the metaphysically deceased Metzora. The cause of Tzoras is well known: Loshon Harah-evil speech. (Erchin 16a) But, loshon harah is a catalyst for something more hideous. It spurs the talebearer to lie and fabricate eventually leading to scoff at all serious matters which leads to assassination of every righteous character. (Mishnah Torah, Hilchos Tumas Tzoras 16:10).

In other words, engagement in wrong doing causes more wrong doing. No one is ever stagnant. The evil inclination endeavors to deprave our behavior ad infinitum. (Kiddushin 30b) Colluding in loshon harah even if it's true leads to making up the stories all together. Involvement in such activities may be so immersing that we may not even realize it until the truth hits us like a brick wall, (Mesilas Yisharim chapter 3) like a carpet being pulled out from under us.

A priori the inverse is true as well. When we curtail negativity in all its manifestations and introduce positivity into our lives good will happen. In the way the a person wants to go they will lead him. (Makkos 10b) Angels are created to help him go in the right path. (Maharsha, ad loc) One who comes to purify they help him. (Shabbos 104a) Open for opening like the sharpness of a needle and I will open for you opening thru which calfs and wagons fit. (Shir Hashirim Rabba 5:2) One mitzvah causes another mitzvah. (Avos Chapter 4) The reward for a mitzvah is unfathomable because it's expanse of delight is beyond the boundaries of physicality. Therefore, Hashem only gives further opportunities to perform mitzvos to earn more of this same reward. (Michtav M'Eliahu 1:2) All physical rewards such as comforts, financial flexibilities, and health are opportunities to perform more mitzvos given that we demonstrated the wherewithal to perform them in the first place. (Mishnah Torah, Hilchos Teshuva 9) The matter is very close to you. It is in your mouth and heart to do. (Devarim 30:14) Goodness is close to us, meaning easy. All we have to do is engage our mouths and hearts in it. The rest will follow with the shower of Divine support. 

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