Monday, July 31, 2017

Tisha B'Av

Tisha B'Av has crept into my consciousness as a favorite day on the calendar. 

People are ensconced in all kinds of causes, movements, ideals, charities, organizations, and revolutions. 

To show solidarity, they put on bracelets, necklaces, jewelry, same color tee-shirts, and brand themselves with tattoos. 

We are a part of a two thousand year solidarity with Israel, the Temple, and the Almighty. 

It has proliferated into every fabric of our peoplehood in every corner of the planet. 

On this day every type of Jew at some point sits on the floor in a show of mourning for the destruction. 

It is so gratifying to be a part of that; to suffer for a cause, to fast and deny oneself basic pleasures with the goal of accomplishment. 

It's like climbing a mountain. It hurts. But you know the top awaits. That's a journey worth every ounce of its pain. 

I sit there on the floor, recite the special prayers, listen to the Book of Lamentations and can't help it but to smile. 

There is no way that such an effort from so many people for so many years will be for nought. I am proud to be a part of it.  

In the aftermath, the satisfaction of accomplishment is acute. The fulfillment of my part of God's ultimate plan for mankind is real. It's a trophy that I hang on a special wall in my mind's eye.  

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